Friday , July 26 , 2024
The National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Hungarian parliament to strengthen cooperation to benefit its citizens and the world__ Samdech Rathsaphea Thika Thipadei Khuon Sudary: Germany plays a vital role in helping Cambodia achieve national development and promoting the well-being of its citizens__ National Assembly President Khuon Sudary: Cambodia's sustained peace has facilitated ongoing development and the realization of its full potential__ Samdech Rathsaphea Thipadei encourages Metfone to further enhance the quality and its services to compete in Cambodia's open market__ Cambodia and Indonesia are committed to enhancing parliamentary cooperation, bilateral trade and people-to-people contact __ Australia supports the Pentagonal Strategy of the Royal Government of Cambodia by further strengthening cooperation with Cambodia in both the legislative and executive branches __ Samdech Rathsaphea Thipadei Khuon Sudary encourages quality and timely construction of the new administrative building of the National Assembly to be completed as scheduled__ WELCOME MESSAGE Samdech Moha Rathsapheathika Thipadei KHOUN SUDARY President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia__ GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE THE PROJECT OF CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF CAMBODIA__ Royal Message for the 4th Session __ Announcement for the 4th Session __ Summary Report 3rd and 4th Sessions of the 6th Legislature __ Statement of Cambodia Delegation to the IPU __ Statement of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia __ H.E. Dr. Nguon Nhel Chaired a Meeting to Review the Outcome of Work in Preparation for the 27th Annual Meeting of APPF in 2019 __ APPF Future Work: “Possibility of Establishment Permanent Secretariat of APPF” __ The 27th Annual Meeting Regional Cooperation: Climate Change, Cultural Diversity and Tourism in Asia-Pacific __ Cambodian Parliament Has started to Discussed the Topics in Economy and Trade Matters __ Working Group of Political and Security Matters Selected Three Topics for the Upcoming 27th Annual Meeting of APPF __ Working Group of Women Parliamentarians Held a Meeting to discuss on the topics for the 27th Annual Meeting of APPF __ Vietnamese delegation led by Mrs. Tòng Thị Phóng paid a courtesy call to Samdech President of the Cambodian National Assembly __ The Cambodian Parliament claims to continue working to promote the effectiveness of the APPF in maintaining regional and global peace and stability __ Cambodian and Vietnamese Parliament Hold Bilateral Talks __ STATEMENT OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF CAMBODIA (Phnom Penh, 16th of December 2017)__ PARLIAMENTARY DELEGATIONS OF THE APA MEMBERS RETURNED TO THEIR COUNTRIES AFTER THE FIRST EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING __ The First Executive Council Meeting Successfully Completed and Cambodian Parliament Highly Appreciated by the APA member countries __ THE FIRST EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING OF THE ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY DISCUSSES THE DRAFT RESOLUTIONS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS __ H.E. DR. NGUON NHEL: FRIENDSHIP WITHIN APA MEMBER COUNTRIES ACHIEVES LOTS OF OUTCOME __ THE FIRST EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING OF THE ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY DISCUSSES THE DRAFT RESOLUTIONS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF POLITICAL AFFAIRS __ MEETING OF THE ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY STANDING COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC AFFAIRS AND COMMITTEES ON FINANCIAL REGULATIONS __ THAI AND CAMBODIAN NATIONAL ASSEMBLY PRESIDENTS HOLD TALKS TO STRENGTHEN COOPERATION BOTH THE LEGISLATIVE BODIES OF THE TWO COUNTRIES __ CHAIRMAN SENATE OF PAKISTAN MIAN RAZA RABBANI PRAISES CAMBODIAN PARLIAMENT IN LEADING THE ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY FOR TWO CONSECUTIVE YEARS __ SAMDECH PRESIDENT OF THE ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY៖ APA VISION IS TO BUILD A REGION OF NON-VIOLENCE, DISPUTES AND OPPRESSION __ SAMDECH AKKA MOHA PONHEA CHAKREI HENG SAMRIN៖ THE PRESENCE OF PARLIAMENTARIAN DELEGATIONS IN THE FIRST EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING SHOWS THE ESTEEMED COOPERATION AMONG APA’S MEMBER COUNTRIES __ DELEGATIONS FROM ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY ARRIVE IN THE KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA FOR A THE FIRST EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING OF THE ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY __ Twenty-five Asian Parliamentary Assembly’s members to attend the First Executive Council hosted by Cambodian parliament in early October __ SECRETARIAT-GENERAL OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY CHAIRS A PREPARATORY MEETING FOR THE FIRST EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF THE ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY IN PHNOM PENH __ Letter from H.E.Mr. Leng Peng Long, Secretary General of the National Assembly of Cambodia to inform Mr. Secretary General of IPU.
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ច្បាប់ស្តីពី ការធ្វើវិសោធនកម្មមាត្រា ៥១ នៃច្បាប់ស្តីពី សហលក្ខន្តិកៈមន្រ្តីរាជការស៊ីវិល ១៩៩៩

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