Friday , July 26 , 2024
The National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Hungarian parliament to strengthen cooperation to benefit its citizens and the world__ Samdech Rathsaphea Thika Thipadei Khuon Sudary: Germany plays a vital role in helping Cambodia achieve national development and promoting the well-being of its citizens__ National Assembly President Khuon Sudary: Cambodia's sustained peace has facilitated ongoing development and the realization of its full potential__ Samdech Rathsaphea Thipadei encourages Metfone to further enhance the quality and its services to compete in Cambodia's open market__ Cambodia and Indonesia are committed to enhancing parliamentary cooperation, bilateral trade and people-to-people contact __ Australia supports the Pentagonal Strategy of the Royal Government of Cambodia by further strengthening cooperation with Cambodia in both the legislative and executive branches __ Samdech Rathsaphea Thipadei Khuon Sudary encourages quality and timely construction of the new administrative building of the National Assembly to be completed as scheduled__ WELCOME MESSAGE Samdech Moha Rathsapheathika Thipadei KHOUN SUDARY President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia__ GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE THE PROJECT OF CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF CAMBODIA__ Royal Message for the 4th Session __ Announcement for the 4th Session __ Summary Report 3rd and 4th Sessions of the 6th Legislature __ Statement of Cambodia Delegation to the IPU __ Statement of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia __ H.E. Dr. Nguon Nhel Chaired a Meeting to Review the Outcome of Work in Preparation for the 27th Annual Meeting of APPF in 2019 __ APPF Future Work: “Possibility of Establishment Permanent Secretariat of APPF” __ The 27th Annual Meeting Regional Cooperation: Climate Change, Cultural Diversity and Tourism in Asia-Pacific __ Cambodian Parliament Has started to Discussed the Topics in Economy and Trade Matters __ Working Group of Political and Security Matters Selected Three Topics for the Upcoming 27th Annual Meeting of APPF __ Working Group of Women Parliamentarians Held a Meeting to discuss on the topics for the 27th Annual Meeting of APPF __ Vietnamese delegation led by Mrs. Tòng Thị Phóng paid a courtesy call to Samdech President of the Cambodian National Assembly __ The Cambodian Parliament claims to continue working to promote the effectiveness of the APPF in maintaining regional and global peace and stability __ Cambodian and Vietnamese Parliament Hold Bilateral Talks __ STATEMENT OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF CAMBODIA (Phnom Penh, 16th of December 2017)__ PARLIAMENTARY DELEGATIONS OF THE APA MEMBERS RETURNED TO THEIR COUNTRIES AFTER THE FIRST EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING __ The First Executive Council Meeting Successfully Completed and Cambodian Parliament Highly Appreciated by the APA member countries __ THE FIRST EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING OF THE ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY DISCUSSES THE DRAFT RESOLUTIONS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS __ H.E. DR. NGUON NHEL: FRIENDSHIP WITHIN APA MEMBER COUNTRIES ACHIEVES LOTS OF OUTCOME __ THE FIRST EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING OF THE ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY DISCUSSES THE DRAFT RESOLUTIONS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF POLITICAL AFFAIRS __ MEETING OF THE ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY STANDING COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC AFFAIRS AND COMMITTEES ON FINANCIAL REGULATIONS __ THAI AND CAMBODIAN NATIONAL ASSEMBLY PRESIDENTS HOLD TALKS TO STRENGTHEN COOPERATION BOTH THE LEGISLATIVE BODIES OF THE TWO COUNTRIES __ CHAIRMAN SENATE OF PAKISTAN MIAN RAZA RABBANI PRAISES CAMBODIAN PARLIAMENT IN LEADING THE ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY FOR TWO CONSECUTIVE YEARS __ SAMDECH PRESIDENT OF THE ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY៖ APA VISION IS TO BUILD A REGION OF NON-VIOLENCE, DISPUTES AND OPPRESSION __ SAMDECH AKKA MOHA PONHEA CHAKREI HENG SAMRIN៖ THE PRESENCE OF PARLIAMENTARIAN DELEGATIONS IN THE FIRST EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING SHOWS THE ESTEEMED COOPERATION AMONG APA’S MEMBER COUNTRIES __ DELEGATIONS FROM ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY ARRIVE IN THE KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA FOR A THE FIRST EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING OF THE ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY __ Twenty-five Asian Parliamentary Assembly’s members to attend the First Executive Council hosted by Cambodian parliament in early October __ SECRETARIAT-GENERAL OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY CHAIRS A PREPARATORY MEETING FOR THE FIRST EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF THE ASIAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY IN PHNOM PENH __ Letter from H.E.Mr. Leng Peng Long, Secretary General of the National Assembly of Cambodia to inform Mr. Secretary General of IPU.
Home » News » Daily News » Samdech Rathsaphea Thika Thipadei Khuon Sudary: Germany plays a vital role in helping Cambodia achieve national development and promoting the well-being of its citizens
Samdech Rathsaphea Thika Thipadei Khuon Sudary: Germany plays a vital role in helping Cambodia achieve national development and promoting the well-being of its citizens
Prepaired By: NA001 ​ Date: (2/13/2024 11:24:17 PM )

On February 13, 2024, Samdech Moha Rathsaphea Thika Thipadei Khuon Sudary, President of the National Assembly, received a courtesy call with the German Parliamentary Delegation led by His Excellency Johannes Steiniger at the National Assembly Palace.

Hon. Johannes Steiniger praised Cambodia's rapid growth and stated that the visit aimed to strengthen the ties of friendship and cooperation between Cambodia and Germany, for both its legislative and executive branches.

During the courtesy call, the Chairman of the Delegation expressed deep appreciation for the ongoing cooperation between the parliaments of both nations, emphasizing the frequent exchanges to share insights and perspectives on parliamentary operations. His Excellency also informed Samdech Rathsaphea Thipadei, President of the National Assembly on the positive outcomes resulting from the delegation's working discussions with the representatives of the Royal Government of Cambodia regarding the potential enhancement and strengthening of cooperation across various sectors, including trade.

Samdech Rathsaphea Thipadei Khuon Sudary expressed her sincere gratitude for the visit of the German Parliamentary Delegation to Cambodia and considers the visit to be a valuable contribution to the promoting of the long lasting friendship and cooperation between the two countries, with the aim of fostering its continued growth and development.

The Cambodian National Assembly President said that the presence of the delegation came at a crucial time as the National Assembly and the Royal Government of the 7th Mandate have been in office for almost six months after the free and fair general elections held in July 2023. The elections was participated by 84.58% of the registered voters who choose their leader among 18 political parties competing in the election. As a result, two parties won the election, with the CPP gaining 120 seats while FUNCINPEC gained 5 seats in the National Assembly.

Samdech Rathsaphea Thipadei Khuon Sudary informed the Delegation that in this seventh legislature, the National Assembly and the Royal Government of Cambodia have joined hands with a determined commitment to prioritize citizens’ interests to promote the national economy, improve people's livelihood, and develop the country to become a high middle-income country by 2030 and a developed country by 2050. The President of the National Assembly expressed gratitude toward Germany for its continued support to Cambodia and stressed that the achievement that Cambodia has made is due to great effort and with the invaluable support from friends and development partners, including Germany.

The President of the National Assembly considered Germany to be a special partner that has always supported Cambodia to realize its development goals and aspiration, and expressed hope that Germany will continue to do so. Since 1992, Germany has provided approximately $843.6 million in grants and $35 million in concessional loans to Cambodia, with an average of around $38 million per year. The President of the National Assembly also expressed her heartfelt thanks to Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and the German Cooperation for International Cooperation (GIZ) for their contribution to the capacity building of members of the parliaments and staff of the National Assembly’s secretariat. The President requested the two institutions to continue to support the National Assembly of Cambodia, in particular, through providing scholarships and training in IT skills so that the staff can provide better services to MPs in response to the actual situation and the vision of the Seventh Legislature in implementing an E-Parliament.

Rathasaphea Street, Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
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